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Sita M. Pondichéry, India

Perle acquired a wide knowledge of different kinds of products, and she knows how to guide to the precise product without mistakes. She has active listening skills and humor. Her super power are intuition, capacity to heal difficult problems, she has a discernment ability and discrimination of problems, unblock traumas lodged in the body, ability to appease a schizophrenic person at distance. Capacity to unlock energy by distance, fix appetite issue. In reality, this is what I am noticed on myself and my mother. For my mother, it is spectacular.

Renaud B. Noumea, New Caledonia

My approach is clear, dominating my fears. By seeing my friend Perle, I am managed to identified my feelings toward the unknown and abandonment. We worked on different points, to liberate myself from addictions; different state of consciousness and energy got awaken inside me. Perle’s healing sessions are deep and in tune to others, a modern time healing in the soul. Namastė

Moana Loupias

Moana L. Nyons France

I met Perle for my daughter. I was in a medical dead end, nor the classical nor other alternative medicine (acupuncture, magnetic healer, homeopathy…) were able to help her. After few sessions, my daughter got her menstrual cycle back, she was able to eat again gluten. Her Spasmopilia crises stopped. I rediscovered a child full of life and carefree.

A huge thanks to Perle for her kindness, benevolence and her listening skill. Thanks to her knowledge, Perle realized a work in depth on my daughter, on the emotional and physical level.

I would always be greatful for the help that you brought to us.

Stanley Clovis

Stanley C. Lyon, France

Despite the distance, the treatments of Perle was a great help during crucial moment of reconstruction of my life on the physical, psychological and emotional level. I felt through her care that she is naturally gifted and has a great empathy. Her healings, combined with my personal investment helped me on several sessions to overcome a number of traumas like the damaged caused by a rape when I was 9 years old. This event had caused a number of disorders like bipolarism.

But what was extraordinary, and exceptional is that by her innate gentleness and benevolence and range of healings, she helped me in a process of eliminating O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and other anxieties, and disturbing thoughts that were following me painfully for several years. All of this could be done thanks to an efficient and unique and in this sense exceptional therapy the Code Lemuria.

Like I said before Perle show me a real support, real empathy and compassion in a crucial moment. This was the case in distance healings when I was in a psychiatric clinic. By the grace of God and the universe it was the greatest help to have her at my side during this ordeal.

To resume, this was an intensive team work that bear its fruits because now I'm liberated from my O.C.D and in a great part some of my traumas. All this took place thanks to the universe and in our mutual trust, those healing techniques that link the body, the soul and the spirit are inseparable from one another.

This can appear non-academic for some but the results are real. When the heart is present everything is possible with humility and faith in the universe. In God

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