Global Harmonization is a very simple technique which restores harmony between oneself and the environment.
Global Harmonization is a healing technique created by the doctor Thérèse Quillé in the aim of relieving and eliminating diverse health issues. We use kinesiology or muscle testing to search the conscious or unconscious origin of the conflict we want to treat. Different muscle testing techniques exist, the most common one uses pressure on a raised arm while the patient is asked to resist the pressure and while at the same time repeats a sentence that could reflect what he or she wants to treat. If the arms fall down this indicates a perturbation with the patient. This diagnoses what the energetic conflict is.
The possible origin of a energetical conflict:
To find the origin of the energetic unbalance, we are searching among three different groups, a physical origin, an emotional origin and a spiritual origin.
The physical origin includes all that is concerned with the physical body like a problem with an organ, an infection, an accident, an allergy or a deficiency for example.
The emotional origin represents the rich range of all the strong emotions that could have troubled us or created an imbalance, such as experiencing abandonment, injustice, betrayals, fear, humiliation or anger etc.
The spiritual origin detects all the disturbance linked to the spirit or the soul. We can harmonize problems coming from our lineage or a past life. We can also rebalance troubles linked to a specific thought created by our self or by others.
The harmonization
Once the conflict is found the harmonization can start. I am being very present and “rooted” while the subject repeats a mantra, several times the sentence that made her arm fall down. Few minutes later we retest the sentence with the muscle testing method. If the arm hold than the harmonization had worked. It’s often necessary to search for several origin in order to solve an issue.
This healing technique can be used on everybody including children and pets. We can even harmonize a geographical place by putting ourself in the energy of the place.
This method is quick and efficient and can be used for:
Relief or remove divers physical, emotional and psychological ills
Getting rid of fears and phobias
Removing stress and insomnia
Reducing or eliminating allergies
Helping children with learning disabilities
Helping animals in pain
And much more
Distance healing is possible through Skype.
Why did I decide to learn Global Harmonization?
My interest in learning the global harmonization method came from a search to ease and heal my daughter allergies. My daughter had terrible food intolerance causing her inflammation on her lips and strong abdominal pains. The NAET technic was very effective on her (an energetical methode to treat alergy), her stomach ache never returned but sometimes she still has some inflammation on her lower lips. Because I moved, I could not find a NAET practitioner and I decided to initiate myself to Global Harmonization in the aim to help my daughter.
During the training course not only did I learned how to find the origin of the intolerance and how to harmonized my daughter with it, I also discovered many other possibilities through this healing method. Global Harmonization happen to be less restrictive, for example there is no need to avoid touching the allergen for 24 hours. And with Global Harmonization we not only can heal, lessen and relieve allergy we can solve several other conflicts be it physical, emotional or spiritual.
Official Site: https://www.harmonisationglobale.com/