Code Lemuria is an ancestral bioenergetic system of physical and energetic action that generates healing and abundance by restoring the resonance between our being, our physical body and the Universe.
The origin
Code Lemuria is one of the most ancient bioenergetic therapy of our planet. It came to us from the lost continent of Lemuria (Mu or Hiva), which according to the Polynesian cosmology was submerged 15 000 years ago. The native Polynesian for thousands of years preserved this healing system which is now taught by Marcos Guerrero. Code Lemuria allows to reconnect our body vehicle (mind and body) to who we really are (the being). It knows our vital systems function and structures in the universal hologram as they were transmitted by our ancestors. It is also one of the most powerful energetic systems known at the moment, due to the huge energies that are being moved.
In Code Lemuria sessions, we evaluate a sequence of points that allow to reconnect the physical and energetic body to the original Earth hologram, thus restoring the original connection with the Earth and our solar system. We act on specific body zones and the magnetic power lines that furrow it and have their correspondence with our mother Earth. This way, the correct resonance between our physical body and the universal hologram is reestablished.
This healing modality offer divers possibilities like:
Unlocking emotions or a specific situation
Regain health
Energetical Protection
Increase of vital energy
Realisation of projects
Gaining more discernment
Getting ride of bad habits, trauma, addictions…
Who should have Code Lemuria sessions?
Code Lemuria sessions are for people of all ages. It is a powerful tool that can help on its own or in a complementary way with other treatments. There is respect for any therapies that the client might be using.
Code Lemuria allows to set in motion the energy of the human being, to retrieve his power and authority; helping in this way the expression of healing, abundance and love.
How is a Code Lemuria Session?
After a conversation with the client, the subject to be treated during the session is determined. The session is received lying down and dressed.
What can be treated ?
When there are unexpressed conflicts or negative emotions, the universal Hologram energy stagnates provoking physical or emotional unease. Code Lemuria sessions clean and unblock this stagnant energy so that it comes back to flow and resonate with the energy of the universe.
Code Lemuria works very well with the treatment of emotional cases such as depressions, abundance issues, illnesses, etc. It constitutes a powerful healing tool that can be used alone or in association with other methods.
To make an analogy, we can consider our body as a horse and our soul as the horse rider; when the horse rider is synchronized with his horse, he is able to direct him with authority, knowing the steps to follow. A problem arises when the horse rider (our soul) disconnects from the horse (physical body), because the horse then, left to himself, acts from instinct, reactively, without feeling. This is what Code Lemuria does when reprogramming and ordering the horse rider to return to his horse and take the reins of his life, resulting in healing.
It is important to understand that Code Lemuria sessions are part of integrative medicine. When we are supporting a healing, we are able to work as a team with different therapies, whether conventional or not, for the benefit of the patient.
How many sessions are necessary?
Every one, every situation, and every objective is different. Your Code Lemuria practitioner will indicate the number of recommended sessions. We generally recommend to start with 3 or 4 sessions every week.
Distance Healing is possible.
Official Site: https://www.codelemuria.com/