Raise your energy and learn how to fill your body with prana

Pranic Breathing


Prana also called breath is the vital force the energy animating all life. This simple exercise will energize your body and raise your immune system. With this Pranic breathing you will be able to absorb such an amount of prana or vital energy that your aura will temporarily expand by 100 percent or more. It is very good to do it every morning and every time you feel tired. If you want to really feel the benefit of this technique, do it diligently every morning for three months. You can do it anywhere but for best result do it in nature;  for city folks a park or any place with a tree, plants and flowers will be good. Flowers offers the most prana. If you have house plants in your house this will works as well.


Find a quite space where you will not be disturbed.

Put both of your hands in front of your second chakra (located in the lower abdomen below the navel). Both hands are on top of each other palm facing up.

1.Inhale prana with your nose and raise your hands to the level of your heart.

  1. Retain your breath for few seconds on the level of the heart chakra.

3.Exhale with your mouth and open your arms in front of you imagining you are distributing the prana toward the entire world. At the end of the exhalation your hands are back to the second chakra.

4.Stop breathing for a count of 3 on the level of the second chakra.

1.Inhale and raise your hands to your heart and keep doing this for five minutes.


This is very simple exercise is however very powerful. It is use before doing any Pranic healing to ensure that the energy used on the patient is not the practitioner but the universal energy instead. This enable an efficient healing session. Magnetizers born with the gift of healing but without the proper training on how to use energy outside of them self  often during their mid-career end up using their patient energy because they depleted their own. And instead of healing their patients they can make them ill.

Sharing Prana with a tree


You can also gain prana with a tree. Find a beautiful and somewhat large and healthy tree that attracts you and mentally or verbally ask for its’ permission to share his excess prana with you.

Put your hands on his trunk and as you inhale visualize that the tree energy is going from your left hand to your heart.

Retain your breath for few seconds.

Breath out visualizing that the energy left your body from your heart to your right hand.

Keep doing this for ten cycles of breathing.

Then make this prana that you just accumulate circulate  throughout your body by imagining yourself filled with light that continuously move all inside you.

Remember to thanks the tree for sharing with you his prana. If you feel like it hugs him, sing him a song or make him a dance.


Heal yourself with Prana


This is a great technique that can be use anywhere any time and that require nothing else than your own concentration. It has the power if not to heal you to at least greatly alleviate pains.


Start by doing the Pranic breathing taught above.

While you inhale imagine healing white or golden light entering the affected part of your body.

Retain your breath for few seconds and imagine that this affected part is becoming brighter.

Exhale and imagine  that with your breath you are expelling grayish and polluted matter from your diseased body.

Hold your breath and imagine the treated part of your body becoming brighter.

Continue doing this for several cycle until you feel better.



Open your healing ability:


Those simple and fun exercises if done regularly will help you open your ability to feel and sense the energetical body of every being.



Exercise to activate your hands chakra:


Put your middle finger of your right hand in the center of your left palm. In the same time put the finger of your left hand in the center or your right hand. Keep this position for several minutes every day for several weeks and your will increase your ability to sense energetical bodies.


Face both palm of your hands about a foot away from each other and keep this position for several minutes. Slowing stretch them apart from each other and then bring them closer while trying to sense the different layers of the etherical bodies. Each layer feels like you are entering a slight resistance. When your hands are really getting closer to each other you should sense a stronger resistance.

You can do this same exercise with your fingers. Put your hands in a way that your fingers are facing each other without touching and stay in this position for couple minutes (the palm of your hands are facing your body). Slowly stretch the fingers  of each hands apart from each other and then bring them closer while trying to sense the different layers of the etherical bodies.


Protect yourself from armful energy


This technique can be use anytime you are going in a public place where there is the potential to encounter energetical attack from other. This is great to use when you go to a subway, mall or big crowd.



The egg light protection


Imagine that your aura is enveloped in an outer layer of light like if you were inside an egg. You can imagine that the light is white, purple or indigo. Visualize the egg to only allowing positive and divine energy to enter. Remember to visualize the egg to disappear ounce you are back home or in a place you feel safe energetically.

An alternative version is to imagine you are inside a tube of light of white, purple or indigo connecting you to the sky and to the earth.



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