How a distance healing differs from an in person session?
I offer two healing distance modalities, Code Lemuria and Global Harmonization both in person and remotely and I proceed differently for both. With Pranic healing, I only do it in person because I find it a more relaxing and powerful experience to feel the prana and crystal directly on one’s body.
With Code Lemuria I make an appointment with the person receiving the healing and I ask a participant to find a time where he or she can lay down or be calm and receptive. We do not communicate during the session only before and after where I explain what I perceive and did.
With Global Harmonization we stay together for an hour on the phone, or through skype, messenger, what’s app, telegram… During the global harmonization I plug myself to the energy of the person and do muscle testing .
How are distance healing efficient?
In my experience, distance healings are equally as efficient whether healing remotely or in person. In an energy healing you are for the most part not touching the person. You are using your intention to direct the energy. The same principal applies with a remote healing. With practice you are able to feel the energy and disturbances of the persons even if they are not near you. I started experimented with distance healing with the Code Lemuria rapidly after learning it, but when the covid quarantine appeared most of my clients were by distance. I reach a point where I became almost more comfortable doing it this way especially with Global Harmonization where it’s easier to do muscle test on myself . I see the same amazing result with the person in front of me or not.
I have some clients that prefer to be physically present but I have some family member like my daughter and my grandmother that want to have it remotely even when we are near each other.
I actually find that for the most part I am able to have a better concentration and deeper intuition when I do remote healing.