As a teenager I wanted to be a druidess, I wanted to be in nature, gathering plants, dancing under the moon acquiring mystical knowledge. Little by little, I am making my childhood dream come true. Having a passion for plants and alternative medicine, I am a self-taught herbalist. After an early childhood in Thailand and the French Caribbean, I grew up mainly in Paris raised among ayurvedic principals, Ayurveda being the traditional Indian medicine. At nineteen years old moved to the US for more than fifteen years in Hawaii and in the west of the United States. After studying anthropology in various geographic places I lived in, the deserts and tropical forest, I came back to France to help my mother in her ayurvedic center in the south east of France.
I come from a family of healers from the center of France where the knowledges were transmitted from mother to daughter. My grand-mother become a nurse and my mother an ayurvedic practitioner and energetic healer. The tradition is not lost it takes other shapes.
Very young I discover Pranic Healing while following the workshop of Atreya Smith. This healing technique I soon become a vital healing tool for our family to heal our self and others including our pets. The other two energy healing techniques I used, was found as a way to help my daughters health. When I observed the efficiency of both Code Lemuria and Global Harmonization, I right away decided to become a practitioner of both healing methods. Energetical healings are part of my life and I use each of them on my family, friends and myself in a regular basis depending on our needs.
University Diploma
Bachelor of Information and Library Sciences, University of Maine at Augusta, Maine. 2013
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii. 2005-2007 (Anthropology)
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France. 2002-2003. (Sociology)
Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado. 2000-2001 (Anthropology)
Further education and Experiences
The School of Evolutionary Herbalism (on line) 2021– Now.
Path of Planetary consciousness, I am. Yosoy with Matias de Stefano. Egypt and Argentina activations. 2020 to 2022.
Vegetarian Cook for the ayurvedic center Vedicare. Tournefort, France. Summer 2009 to 2017 and full time 2017-2022.
Code Lemuria Certified, Ancestral bioenergetics. France 2017- 2021.
Certified In Global Harmonization, Kinesiology. France 2019.
Training in Phyto Aromatherapy with Patrick Theillère, Nice. 2017-2018.
Training in Medicinal Plants with Patrick Theillère, Nice. Jan 2017- June 2017.