Sacred Cuisine

Tarte cru fraise violette
Quiche poireaux
Salade Kale rose trèmière
Salade Kale rose trèmière
raw pineaple carott cake
fleur de cougette haricot
repas sequinox printemps france
raw food caroube

I offer vegetarian cooking classes according to the ayurvedic principals, the traditional medicine of India.


My cooking follows the season and the constitution of people and integrates as much wild and forage food as possible. I consider the kitchen as a sacred space and with loving intention, food making can be a powerful healer. I believe proper nutrition is fundamental for a vibrant health. Our body needs the proper fuel, nutriments that are full of vitality and prana. The best is to have food foraged in the wild and from our garden, but when this is not possible, we can reenergise it with pure intention and mantra. Our thoughts, words and emotional state while preparing a meal are as important as the quality of our food.

I love to empower others in getting new skills in the alchemy of cooking.

I teach you how to make the right food combinations according to the time of the year for your constitution and how to adapt an aliment with its antidote to make it digestible for you. I give knowledge on wild plant foraging and show you how to incorporate it into delicious meal. Beauty has also its importance I like to make meal appealing visually. Eating should be a feast for all the senses to optimise digestion and bring joy in our lives.


It's also possible to order food for a special event, like birthdays, Mother’s Day, or I can also cook for a retreat. I have several years of experience doing this with great success.

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