Pranic Healing is a healing system that uses prana or cosmic energy to heal.
Prana also called Chi in Asia or Mana in Polynesia is the vital force that maintains the body alive and in good health. By scanning the different layers of the aura (etheric, astral and mental ), we can discover and diagnose numerous health issues, especially health issues that are inexplicable.
Pranic healing works on the chakras and subtle organs by cleaning and re-energizing weak spots. Crystals, specific colors or shamanic instrument can also be used to make the healing more efficient. During the session the person stays dressed and lays down, while listening to relaxing music. It’s a very soft but also very efficient technique and method that is use to prevent, heal and relieve a variety of physical and psychological ills.
The length of the healing and the number of the session needed depends on each individual case.
How my
grand-mother got convince of the effectiveness of pranic healing?
My mother started to practice pranic healing on her family and her friends soon after she was taught. She liked to do healing in nature and was often practicing on my grand-mother who would let her do it to please her. One day my cat Amande came back home in a very bad state, she had fought with another cat, and was limping and bleeding. Amande directly came to my mother who right away did pranic healing on her. Seeing how Amande was relaxing and deliberately stretching her belly to expose it to the healing of my mother, my grand-mother became very surprised and marveled at the reaction of the cat. She cried out “But your stuff works” and my mother was very surprise that after all the pranic healing her mother received she was only believing their effectiveness now.
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